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Selectmen Minutes 11/09/2010
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
November 9, 2010

Members present:  Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Bruce  Dyke, Norm LaRochelle, Steve MacCleery, Scott Marsden, John Martell, Ed Millette, Jason Wier, Donna Chagnon, Mark McIntosh, Walter Sanborn, Evelyn Pike, Lucille Noel, Carolee Davison, Elaine Coffey, Richard Pratt, Patrick Clarke

Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Budget Meetings

ZBA:  The ZBA proposed the same budget as last year.  Each line was reviewed and it was agreed to lower the Zoning Expenses line from $250 to $175.

Town Clerk and Tax Collector:  It was explained line 4150-46 was increased due to the increase in the amount of tax liens.  No changes were made.

Library:  The Library Trustees explained a need to increase their budget due to a need to increase personnel.  The need to increase personnel is due to an interpretation of an RSA that limits what the volunteers can do and a safety issue.  They are also asking for a custodian.  The Selectmen asked if they would consider having the custodian twice per month instead of every week.  The Trustees will discuss it and get back to Nancy.  It was asked that when the Library submits its request for a budget they also include the actual expenditures for the current year and two year prior.   It should also be noted that the numbers in the line items for Librarian Assistant and Custodian are only for 9 months of the year.  

Historical Society:  no changes were made to the proposed budget

Cemetery:  no changes were made to the proposed budget

Police:  Chief Clarke explained that some items of his budget are nondiscretionary.  There was a discussion about the Dare expenses and whether that money could be put back into the budget.  There was discussion for other options with trash removal.  The general equipment line was discussed as well as legal/blood.  It was decided to reduce line 4210-74 Legal/Blood from $700 to $600.  The Selectmen and the committee will review the police expenses again closer to the end of the year as Chief Clarke still has many outstanding invoices.

Other Business

Agricultural:  Steve MacCleery brought to the Selectmen’s attention that there is a new law regarding taxation of agricultural land in a commercial district.  Mr. MacCleery will research further and bring any needed warrant suggestions to the Selectmen.  

Cemetery Trustees:  The Cemetery Trustees sent an email asking the Selectmen to consider a candidate to fill their vacancy.  Tabled.

RFP: The following proposals were received for printing services:

Select Print Solutions  $4.18/book  or $2,717.00
Wharf Industries         $4.83/book   or $3,139.50
RC Brayshaw                $4.94/book  or $3,212.00
Kase Printing                $5.79/book  or $3,762.00
Town and Country      $7.10/book  or $4,615.00
ProForma                     $8.22/book  or  $5,341.00

The Selectmen would like references on the low bidder since we have not done business with them in the past.

The following proposals were received for the 2011 grounds keeping:

Saints Lawn Care        $4,200  
The Lawn Guys   $4,650  
BMC General Contractors $4,750  
Steve's Quality Services        $7,100  

Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to award the 2011 grounds keeping bid to Saint Lawn Care for $4,200.  Motion passes.

The Following proposals were received for the 2011 Information Technology services:

Dodge Computer Service $60/hour
Spaulding Hill Networks  $11,200/year

Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to award the 2011 Information Technology Services contract to Dodge Computer Services.  Motion passes.

The following proposals were received for the 2011 General Assessing Services:

Cert. NH Assessing       $ 6,360.00
Todd Haywood     $ 6,720.00
Cross Country    $ 7,865.00
Comerford Nieder Perkins         $ 8,820.00
Purvis   $11,820.00
Avitar   $12,360.00
Trumbull & Associates    $15,900.00
The assessing proposals are complex in nature and the Selectmen requested more information and references on some.

Grange Hall Roof:  The Grange Hall rood is in need of repair.  Nancy received an estimate of $9,640 to bring the condition of the roof back to where it should be.  Once the roof is repaired it can be put on a yearly maintenance schedule.  This will need to be placed on the 2011 warrant.

Davis Road:  The Selectmen would like to hear from the Building Inspector next week.

Library Payroll:  The Library Trustees have asked if the Selectmen would agree to have the Town Office process the library’s payroll.  The Selectmen agreed.  Jamie Pike will work out the details with the Library Treasurer.

Fleet Needs Committee:  Mike Paveglio will get the Fleet Needs Committee up and running and draft a charter.

Road Agent Position:  Mr. Paveglio would like the Selectmen to consider whether it would make sense to ask the Town to make the Road Agent Position appointed rather than elected.  

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 10:25pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ________ __________________      __________________________
      Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman Richard DeBold                                   D. Michael Paveglio